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Bari-Dublin, Ryanair new route

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Ryanair will open nine new routes and increase frequencies on eight existing routes at Dublin Airport from April 2014. This is the third consecutive year of traffic growth at Dublin Airport, and the 5% increase in passengers to date, places Dublin as t he third fastest-growing airport in Europe in 2013. Today’s Ryanair announcement establishes […]

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The top 15 beaches in Italy: Sardegna and Puglia the best regions

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The top 15 beaches in Italy: Sardegna and Puglia the best regions with 4 towns with5 “Sails”. Italian environmental organization Legambiente and Touring Club’s Guida Blu official ranking of sea and lake beaches for 2013 has awarded the best places in Italy. The island of Sardinia top recognition for both beautiful and environmentally-friendly beaches, according to […]

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  • geosaison santa maria al bagno cover
  • geosaison santa maria al bagno article

Italien, die romantik des suden

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March is just gone and what we really liked of this month is seeing Santa Maria al Bagno on the cover of Geo Saison, important travel magazine, which every month gives to the Germans ideas and opinions about travels and worldwide destinations. “Italien, die romantik des suden” – Italy, the romance of the south – […]

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