In 2013 first issue of A Place in the Sun magazine you will find extra pages with the Top 10 countries to buy abroad!
Next A Place in the Sun magazine is the 2013 Top Ten most popular places to buy abroad issue which goes on-sale the first week of January.
Based on research conducted with visitors to A Place in the Sun Live at the NEC in October this year, the ten best places to buy abroad reports on the most popular property-buying destinations and looks at what’s in store for the year ahead in each of these important markets.
This overview of where British people have told us they are planning to buy is influential reading for consumers finalising their decision-making on what and where to buy.
According to APS visitors, these are the most popular destinations for Brits planning to buy property in 2013:
1. Spain
2. France
3. USA/Florida
4. Portugal
5. Turkey
6. Italy
7. Cyprus
8. Greece
9. Caribbean
10. Malta
Spain is the first one, France and USA second and third, Italy at the 6th place but after latest years has started to rise again. Do not lose time and choose yours from those top 10 countries to buy abroad!